Bladeless LASIK The Easy, Gentle Option

Dello Russo doctors recommend bladeless surgery to anyone interested in LASIK surgery, mainly if the idea of a blade coming near your eye causes anxiety. Bladeless technology uses lasers to do the job a blade might have, offering a far more gentle and palatable approach. If you’re wondering whether a bladeless procedure is right for you, read on to learn more about its benefits, eligibility, and bladeless LASIK cost.

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What is Bladeless LASIK Surgery? The Procedure

You may already know that LASIK is a laser eye surgery that involves creating a flap in the outer layer of the cornea. The laser can then access the effective layers of your cornea, allowing your doctor to correct its curvature using the laser technology. In traditional LASIK, the flap in the cornea is made with a blade. After both procedures, the flap is positioned back and allowed to heal. That corneal flap is made using an IntraLase Laser during bladeless LASIK eye surgery. This allows the flap to be created with an equal thickness around it and with cleaner edges. As a result, the uniform laser-created flap heals faster. You may also hear bladeless LASIK called all-laser LASIK, iLASIK, or IntraLase.

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What are the Benefits of a Bladeless Laser Surgery Procedure?

Many patients wonder if bladeless LASIK is better than traditional LASIK. That answer will probably depend on the surgeon you’re seeing, your treatment goals, and the specifics of your eyes and vision. However, eye surgeons with experience performing bladeless procedures tend to prefer them for several reasons. A bladeless LASIK procedure is far more precise than traditional LASIK, removing incidents of human error or irregularities that are more common when using a blade. As such, you can expect better results, faster healing, and minimal risk of complications following a bladeless procedure. Here are some of the benefits of bladeless eye surgery:

  • Better flap predictability
  • Cleaner and more uniform edges on the flap
  • Equal and even flap thickness
  • More precise measurements
  • Provides your doctor with additional and more precise control during the procedure
  • Reduces the likelihood of causing aberrations, which can cause vision distortions like blurry vision, glare, or halos at night

However, the most crucial aspect of any LASIK procedure is your surgeon. Do your research and be sure to find an eye surgeon with plenty of experience providing the type of procedure you’ll need. As pioneers in the LASIK field, Dello Russo is far and above the most experienced group of laser technicians practicing in New England today. Ask your surgeon how many procedures they’ve done and determine the technology and techniques they use in their surgeries. After speaking with the surgeon, you should feel confident that your surgeon has the expertise to perform bladeless LASIK.

woman getting an eye exam

The LASIK Surgery Procedure at Dello Russo Laser Vision

female giving a testimonial

Aurora's LASIK Testimonial at Dello Russo Laser Vision

Your Improved Set of Eyes Cost and Financing of Bladeless LASIK

The cost of your LASIK procedure shouldn’t be the top deciding factor, but it is practical to consider along with financing options. When comparing bladeless vs. traditional LASIK, you will see that the bladeless LASIK is generally more expensive. This is partly due to the state-of-the-art technology of creating the corneal flap with the IntraLase laser. It’s a specialized procedure that tends to produce better, more precise results—for patients who want the most personalized and efficient LASIK procedures, bladeless surgery is a fantastic option.

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Finding Your Expert Bladeless Surgeon

At Dello Russo Laser Vision, our surgeons have performed over 190,000 corrective surgical procedures, including significant experience performing bladeless LASIK eye surgery. Some of our eye surgeons have even been instrumental in developing the techniques and technology used in bladeless surgeries today. In the 90s, when laser eye surgery was just beginning its early stages of development, our founding doctor, Dr. Joseph Dello Russo, introduced and experimented with the first laser eye surgery. Joseph Dello Russo has also contributed significantly to the research and implementation of modern laser eye surgery procedures, as he has been an integral part of technological developments in the industry. Our surgeons regularly refine our procedures and remain at the cusp of available laser eye surgery technology. At Dello Russo Laser Vision, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for you and your eyes. When you schedule your bladeless LASIK surgery with us at one of our four LASIK centers in New York and New Jersey, you can feel confident that you and your eyes are in expert hands.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Bladeless LASIK?

In most cases, if you are a good general candidate for LASIK, you are also a suitable candidate for a bladeless procedure. In some cases, patients who have had previous refractive surgery and experienced a blade flap complication would not be eligible candidates for bladeless surgery. The best way to determine whether you are a good candidate is to schedule a consultation. At Dello Russo Laser Vision, we customize your bladeless LASIK eye surgery to your specific needs, and we look forward to meeting you and your unique set of eyes.

Ready to learn more about how LASIK can improve your life? Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation, then read through our LASIK FAQs to get a feel for what to expect. If you want to learn more about the cost and financing options of bladeless LASIK surgery, please contact us for more information following your consultation. We can help you navigate insurance, offer LASIK financing options, and more. We look forward to helping you improve your vision today.

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