A Comprehensive Background Dr. Rapoport's Path to Excellence in Eye Care

Dr. Yuna Rapoport is a board-certified ophthalmologist with extra fellowship training in refractive, corneal, and cataract surgery. Having trained at Mass Eye and Ear of Harvard Medical School and the Accelerated Honors Program in Medical Education at Northwestern, she has accumulated a wealth of expertise that she now brings to her treatment of each patient.

eye surgery patient bed

Leading the Way in Ophthalmology Dr. Rapoport's Contributions and Achievements

Dr. Rapoport’s work regarding advances in eye care and surgery has been published in leading peer-reviewed medical journals and presented at major ophthalmology meetings. She has led clinical trials in the dry eye pharmaceutical space and has been accepted to the “Trusted Lasik Surgeons Directory” and named “One of the Best Lasik Surgeons in America.” She has been in private practice in New York City for a decade, where she utilizes the latest technology and expertise to provide exceptional patient care.

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