What You Need to Know About LASIK Surgery

If you’ve found yourself here, you are likely considering LASIK or are preparing for laser eye surgery. Many of our patients come fully armed with questions regarding the procedure, and we have answers. Learn more about LASIK from our world-renowned surgeons here at Dello Russo in New York and New Jersey. We aim to make you feel as comfortable as possible and armed with the proper information before, during, and after your LASIK surgery.


What is LASIK eye surgery?

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for LASIK?

Can anyone get LASIK surgery?

Is LASIK surgery painful?

I don’t like the idea of things going in my eyes and am nervous about having surgery done on them. What can be done to make my experience more comfortable?

How safe is LASIK?

How long does LASIK last?

Do I need a referral for LASIK?

What is LASIK eye surgery?

LASIK eye surgery is a refractive laser procedure that reshapes your cornea, effectively correcting your vision. Bladeless LASIK allows your surgeon more precise control during the surgery, allowing for better results and fewer adverse effects and associated risks. The procedure uses laser technology to gently lift a layer of the cornea. The laser then targets deeper layers of the cornea to reshape it, resulting in corrected vision.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for LASIK?

Generally speaking, a qualified candidate for LASIK will meet the following criteria: - Mild to moderate nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism - Corneal thickness between 450-550 microns - Symmetrical eye shape - No history of eye disease or chronic dry eye - Generally healthy - Over the age of 18 - Not pregnant or nursing Your eye surgeon must complete a thorough eye exam to determine whether you are a good candidate for LASIK.

Can anyone get LASIK surgery?

Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for LASIK surgery. Factors that may influence whether or not you qualify for LASIK include: - Your age - Your particular vision problems - The thickness of your cornea - Your general health Thankfully, there are other vision correction options, like PRK, that may be a better fit for those who may not qualify for the LASIK procedure.

Is LASIK surgery painful?

LASIK is not a painful procedure. You’ll be given numbing drops before the surgery to eliminate pain and discomfort. You may feel pressure during the surgery, but any discomfort should be minimal. Many patients remain quite comfortable throughout the procedure.

I don’t like the idea of things going in my eyes and am nervous about having surgery done on them. What can be done to make my experience more comfortable?

Many, if not all, of our patients prefer to avoid having sharp objects in, around, or near their eyes. The eye is both a highly sensitive area and an integral part of everyday life—no one likes the idea of surgical intervention. That said, with a 96% satisfaction rate, our patients never look back and will almost unanimously tell you to just do it. The life-altering results are well worth the fear and anxiety attached. Many of our patients opt for medication we offer that can help you remain calm before, during, and after your procedure.

How safe is LASIK?

LASIK is an incredibly safe procedure. It has been perfected by the Dello Russo’s themselves since the early 1990s and was approved by the FDA in 1999. LASIK is growing in popularity as it becomes more widely known that the procedure is both safe and effective. Indeed, LASIK procedures result in a rate of over 96% patient satisfaction.

How long does LASIK last?

In most cases, the vision correction provided by LASIK is permanent. However, even patients who do experience minor refractive changes after LASIK are either unbothered or only need to wear glasses for certain activities, like driving at night. LASIK is an investment in a lifetime free from the hassle, constraints, and costs of contact lenses and glasses.

Do I need a referral for LASIK?

A referral is not necessary at Dello Russo Laser Vision. You can call our office for a free initial consultation, during which we can discuss and schedule a complete evaluation with a surgeon. Our surgeon will determine the best solution for you and your eyesight goals during your in-depth evaluation. Most patients qualify for LASIK (see above); other corrective laser procedure options are also available. You may prefer to see your regular eye doctor first to hear their opinion and get their blessing. When you come in, we will complete our own evaluation before surgery to ensure that you’re an eligible LASIK candidate and that we have all the information we need, including in-depth mapping.

Take The Next Step Towards Improved Vision

If you would like to schedule a consultation or have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at (855) 920-3292 or by email at [email protected]. We look forward to helping you with all your LASIK needs.

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