various vision words

Are you considering laser eye surgery like LASIK, but find yourself with questions about the long term effects of LASIK and other laser eye surgery? It is true that laser eye surgery is a relatively new procedure. In fact, the first FDA approved treatments were carried out in the late 90s, so as little as 35 years ago. But what does this mean when we consider the long term impact of laser eye surgery and LASIK side effects long term?

A young procedure

Did you know that more than 30 million people have had laser eye surgery world wide? The first treatments were a massive success and as a result, laser eye procedures have remained very popular ever since. However, for some patients, the fact that it hasn’t been around for a long time is concerning. Unfortunately, we can’t physically show how efficacious laser eye surgery is over a longer period than 35 years simply because no one has had it for that long.

This generates a bit of a buzz around

While it’s true that no one has had laser eye surgery for more than 35 years, except perhaps patients involved in early clinical trials, the surgery remains extremely safe and effective. This should be extremely comforting to patients concerned about LASIK side effects long term. Still, it can be helpful to learn more about laser eye surgery procedures and how advances in technology and surgical techniques have made these procedures safer than ever before.

Expert opinions matter

Leading ophthalmologic surgeons and practitioners around the world believe in the positive effects and long term benefits of laser eye surgery. They know that once reshaped, the cornea maintains its new contours permanently. That means that the vision correction you receive during laser eye surgery is permanent, providing the majority of patients with vision improvement that lasts them a lifetime.

Experts in the eye health care field, including Dr. Joseph Dello Russo and Dr. Jeffrey Dello Russo, also know that only a very tiny percent of patients—approximately 1% for each year following the surgery—need an enhancement procedure down the road. That means that for most patients who undergo laser eye surgery, the results provide the only laser vision correction they’ll ever need. In fact, for the vast majority of patients—more than 90%—the long term effects of LASIK are 20/20 vision.

The long term side effects of laser eye surgery

So then, what are the LASIK side effects long term and what should patients be aware of? The majority of side effects associated with LASIK and other laser eye surgeries are temporary. For most patients, these side effects improve with time as their corneas heal. However, there are a small percentage of patients for whom these side effects become permanent. Side effects can include:

  • Double vision, also called ghosting
  • Dry eye
  • Glare
  • Halos
  • Light sensitivity
  • Starbursts

These side effects are rarely a long term effect of the surgery and should get better over time. To minimize side effects, it’s critical that you follow all of your surgeon’s instructions to ensure that your eyes heal properly. That will help improve the likelihood that any side effects you experience are temporary and don’t become a long term issue. It’s also essential that you make sure you see an experienced eye surgeon. They will closely examine your eyes and conduct a thorough health screening before deciding on which, if any, laser surgery is right for you. This will also help reduce the likelihood of side effects.

Finally, look for a surgeon who offers custom laser eye procedures. The more personalized your surgery can be, the better results you can expect to get. You’ll also experience fewer side effects in general because your surgery will be more accurate and able to precisely target your specific needs.

Laser eye surgery has fewer long term effects than contact lenses

When it comes to the chance of complications, laser eye surgery long term risks are significantly lower than some other vision correction solutions. Did you know that contact lens wearers are at significantly higher risk of complications? The risk of serious complications with LASIK eye surgery is less than 1%. With contact lenses, however, the risk of serious eye infections that can lead to blindness affects up to 1 out of every 500 contact lens users per year.

While laser eye surgery does come with a small risk of side effects and complications, serious complications are incredibly rare. Most LASIK side effects aren’t long term problems, and they typically improve with time as the corneas heal. Additionally, because laser eye surgery candidates face a rigorous screening process, only those whose eyes will respond well to laser eye surgery are offered the treatment. Despite such strict measures, around 92 percent of people are candidates.

In contrast, contact lenses put wearers at a much higher risk of serious eye infections, eye inflammation, and other complications that can put their eye health at risk. Proper contact lens care and hygiene is essential to the safety of wearing contacts. Unfortunately, between 40-90% of contact lens wearers don’t follow care instructions correctly. Even worse, approximately 99% of people surveyed in one study indicated engaging in at least one contact hygiene behavior associated with a higher risk of infection and inflammation. As such, the FDA and other organizations recognize that contact lens wearers are at greater risk of infection.

To find out if you’re a suitable candidate for any laser eye surgery, see your eye surgeon for a complete screening first. If you’d like to talk to a professional about the long term effects of LASIK or another laser eye surgery, get in touch with our expert team at Dello Russo Laser Vision today.

High success rates

Laser eye surgery success rates have never been higher and these procedures are more popular than ever. For the majority of patients, the rewards far outweigh the minimal risks. LASIK has an incredibly high success rate, with the latest research showing 99% of patients achieve 20/40 vision or better, while more than 90% of patients achieve 20/20 or better. It’s probably not a surprise to hear, then, that LASIK has a 96% patient satisfaction rate. This is the highest satisfaction rate of any available elective procedure.

While we cannot see into the future to guarantee LASIK eye surgery long term results, the results thus far are crystal clear. Laser eye surgery is among the safest and the most efficacious procedures in medicine. We might ultimately have to wait to see physical proof of the long term effects of LASIK and other laser surgeries, but there’s really no reason to wait to schedule your procedure. Laser eye surgery is a permanent, safe, effective choice for correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Visit Dello Russo Laser Vision for Expert Care

If you’re feeling at all nervous about getting laser eye surgery, make sure you see an experienced eye surgeon with significant experience in the field. The world class LASIK surgeons at Dello Russo Laser Vision have been at the forefront of laser eye surgery since it began. Our founding eye surgeons were pioneers of many of the current techniques and technologies used in laser eye surgery, and they were a part of several of the clinical trials that led to LASIK as we know it today. You can trust our team to provide knowledgeable, expert care that puts your vision goals first.

If you’re concerned about potential side effects like dry eye after LASIK, or if you’re worried about needing a second laser eye treatment, it’s important to talk with your eye surgeon. They will take the time to do a thorough eye exam, along with getting a complete health history, to determine whether you and your eyes are candidates for laser eye surgery. If you are determined to be a good candidate, they’ll discuss what kind of vision results you can hope to achieve.

Dello Russo Laser Vision is committed to your care

At Dello Russo Laser Vision, we provide custom LASIK procedures, which means that each procedure is personalized to the patient and their unique eyes. This approach allows our surgeons to provide precise treatment, helping you achieve the best possible vision results. We are committed to providing service that helps you feel educated, comfortable, and at ease every step of the way. As a family-run business, we are dedicated to providing warm, friendly, professional care to our valued patients.

Ready to find out how our expert surgeons could improve your vision? Make an appointment for your complimentary initial consultation to get started. Explore our LASIK FAQs page to get additional information and to learn more about questions you might have. Check out our LASIK reviews to hear about our care from our customers. From there, you’ll be able to schedule your procedure and begin your journey to better vision. We’ll be by your side from your first consultation to your post surgery appointment and all the way through your LASIK recovery timeline.

Contact us today for more information or to book your first appointment. We look forward to helping you improve your vision!

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